
Adult Discussion Group
The Adult Discussion Group meets at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday, September through May. Topics presented and discussed include religious, theological and secular issues. Please join us for any or all of these discussions. Below are some of the upcoming topics: 


  1. In January 2014, the group will read Zealot, the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan. The following is a synopsis of the class:

    The annual ADG book study will be on three consecutive Sunday afternoons, January 5th, 12th, and 19th, from 12:00 – 1:30 PM in the Gathering Space. Lunch (sandwiches, salad and drinks) will be available for a small fee, and the discussion will be from 12:30 – 1:30.  This year’s book is Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan.

    Aslan, a follower of Islam, tells the story of “an itinerant Jewish preacher and miracle worker” who gathered followers for what he called the ‘Kingdom of God.’  Aslan suggests that “the revolutionary  movement he launched was so threatening to the established order that he was captured, tortured, and executed as a state criminal.”  But “within decades after his shameful death, his followers would call him God."

    Presented in the context of a first-century Palestine “awash in apocalyptic fever, with scores of Jewish prophets, preachers and would-be messiahs wandering through the holy land” with messages from God, Aslan paints a powerful portrait of how a failed Jewish revolutionary came to be identified as the Son of God.

    There are limited copies of the book available in the church office for $16.50, or it can be purchased at local bookstores ($27.00), or ordered from Amazon ($16.36 for a hardback copy, or $11.75 for a Kindle version).  A reading outline can be found here.

  2. The February 16th program will be on “Theological Education: Training our Ministers.”  Led by Rev. Mary Gene Boteler, pastor of 2nd Presbyterian Church, and Jay Summerville, JD, a retired lawyer and elder from 2nd Presbyterian Church who is in seminary training for ministry as a second career, the discussion will explore how one discerns a “call,” what theological training is like, and why individuals of any age may be interested.  The program will be on Sunday evening from 5:30 – 7:30, with supper from 5:30 – 6:15 PM.

  3. The March 2nd and 16th programs will be presented by Dorcas Case, a two-part exploration of “Lost Histories of Christianity.”  Part 1 will be on “Background and Beginnings of Christianity in the Middle East,” and Part 2 will focus on the “Spread of Christianity in Asia and Africa – how it flourished and why it failed.”  Both discussions will be in the Adult Room from 9:15 – 10:15AM. 



Presbyterian Women

All women are invited to join this monthly study group on the last Wednesday of the month from September through April. 


The Presbyterian Women also sponsor a retreat each fall.  



Wednesday Food and Forum

This group meets approximately three times a year to study theological and biblical topics in greater depth.  Normally, the group meets around the seasons of Advent and Lent to discuss topics specifically related to those seasons of the church year.  Past topics included: "Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity" and "Making Sense of Scripture".






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