Community Garden

Come grow with us!

In 2011 we kicked off the inaugural year of our community garden.  Twenty-five plots were tilled and produced vegetables and flowers for the gardeners and the community.  The "give away" garden, just finishing its third season, has produced beans, lettuce, tomatoes, squash and pumpkins for Circle of Concern Food Pantry.

In 2013 we had another successful growing season!  The garden will "re-open" late in April - look for updates and emails.

Plots are available in either a 5’ x 10’ or 10’ x 10’ size. There is a $25 fee per plot to help offset the cost of shared resources and materials.

Please contact Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church at 314-432-8029 or e-mail Keith if you are interested in growing with our Community Garden. 

We grow to serve!

Putting the Garden to Bed, 2013

End of the Season, 2013