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Have You Thought About a New Year Resolution?
How about reading the entire Bible in one year?  If that sounds challenging, it is!  But, it’s doable . . . and more fun with a group of people.  It takes about 20 minutes a day.  Of course, it also requires some energy to plan reading time into your daily schedule.  If this is something you’d like to try, e-mail Annie at pastor@faithdesperes.org or sign-up in the Gathering Space.  Reading schedules are provided, and monthly get-togethers to touch base are optional (time to be decided by participants).  Together, we can do this!  


January 5, 12, and 19, 2014
The Annual ADG Book Study will be on three consecutive Sunday afternoons (January 5th, 12th, and 19th) from 12:00 – 1:30 PM in the Gathering Space.  Lunch (sandwiches, salad and drinks) will be available for a small fee, and the discussion will be from 12:30 – 1:30.  This year’s book is Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan.  Copies of the book can be obtained from the church office for $16.50 (there are only two books left).  The book can also be purchased at local bookstores ($27.00), or ordered from Amazon ($16.36 for a hardback copy, or $11.75 for a Kindle version). A sign-up sheet for lunch is in the Gathering Space.  Please let Marie in the church office know if you’ll be attending so she can send you a reading guide (also available here)


January 10, 2014
The next TNT (20s and 30s Something) Dinner will be on Friday, January 10th at 7:00 pm. Childcare will be available at the church beginning at 6:30pm. Place to be determined – look for an e-mail or upcoming blogs for a location announcement.


March 26, 2014
Tour Churches of Soulard with the History Team and find out why St. Louis was once called the "Rome of the West."  Visit Trinity Lutheran, St. John Nepomuk, St. Vincent De Paul, St. Mary of Victories and St. Raymond's.  Have a Lebanese feast for lunch (at your expense) and see the "Who's Who" of St. Louis.  Cost is $49. Make reservations with Betsy Stoll or call 314-821-0533.

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