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This Sunday at 10:30am

During worship this Sunday, January 5th, we will celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord. We will have communion, and Feeding the Flock will be collecting food donations for Circle of Concern. Current critical needs are: jelly, cereal, canned meats (chili, canned stew, canned chicken, canned ham, etc.), canned fish, bar soap.

The Annual ADG Book Study will begin this Sunday, January 5th and will be held on three consecutive Sunday afternoons (January 5, 12, 19) from 12-1:30pm in the Gathering Space.  Let Marie in the church office know if you’ll be attending so she can send you a reading guide (also here) and weekly questions, and if you’ll be ordering a lunch ($10).

Read the Entire Bible in One Year! Challenging, yes! Do-able, yes! And it’s more fun with a group of people.  It takes about 20 minutes a day. If this is something you’d like to try, e-mail Annie at pastor@faithdesperes.org or sign-up in the Gathering Space.  Reading schedules are provided, and monthly get-togethers to touch base are optional. Together, we can do this!   

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