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Sunday Worship, 10:30 am

I hope you'll join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am.  Our attendance has been up overall the past 3 months as compared to last year, and on some Sundays it's been up by 20%.  More people in worship equates to more energy and more spiritual vitality, so thank you to everyone who is there on Sunday.  I appreciate your presence.  If you've been away for a while, we'd love to see you.  Please know that you are missed.  

This Sunday we'll look at Psalm 27, a beautiful psalm that expreses confidence in God's presence no matter what bleak stuff life throws at us.  This psalm doesn't sugarcoat the fact that there's bad news in the world, but it stakes its faith in the good news that God is present throughout it all.  If you're experiencing lows in life, this is a good Sunday to hear a message of hope.  But even if you're not, this is a good Sunday to hear, once again, the timeless message that God does not fail us.

Blessings to you all.  I hope to see you in church.  Annie

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