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What's New at FDP?

Join us for Tai Chi
The Peace in Motion tai chi class will start a brand new session on Monday evenings at 5:30pm, beginning February 10th. With slow gentle movement, a clear and focused mind, and an open spirit you can reap amazing benefits. Other participants in this class have said that tai chi gives them more flexibility, helps with joint pain, has improved their balance, lowers their blood pressure, helps them keep a calm perspective all week, and much more. Peace in Motion is not only a physical exercise, but also a spiritual exercise in letting go and letting God in. Classes are just $5 per class, pay as you go. No need to sign up. Just come to the first class for one hour. Bring friends if you want or come alone and meet new friends, and experience a whole new you!


Welcome Ivy Jane! 
Ivy Jane McClure arrived two weeks early to Becky, Scott and big brother Jake on January 28th. Weighing in at 9lbs, 1oz, she and Becky are doing fine and the family sends their best to everyone at FDP.



“Seeing Ourselves in Those Who Confronted Jesus”
Wednesday Night Lent Forum
March 12-April 9, 6:30-7:30 pm
Join us on Wednesdays in Lent for a special class taught by Annie Epling.  Discover the importance of those who were around Jesus and learn about groups from Jesus' time, including the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots. We will be challenged to consider who in the twenty-first-century church is like the members of these groups. Each study comes with a Participant Handout that will be e-mailed to you in advance.  You do not need to attend all 5 classes to participate.  Sign up in the Gathering Space or e-mail Pastor Annie at pastor@faithdesperes.org.

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