The Commonplace Blog


This Week

December 1st is the first Sunday of Advent. Our focus scripture reading comes from Isaiah 2:1-5:  “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!”  What does it mean to walk in the light of the Lord?  Where are we going? How can we bring the Light to others?

Pastor Annie will lead the Adult Discussion Group at 9:15am (note change in time). The topic will be "Christmas Is Not Your Birthday".

Bring your food for Feeding the Flock on December 1st! Critical needs include: canned fruit, canned meats (chili, canned stew, canned chicken, canned ham, etc.), canned fish, tomato products (diced tomatoes, sauce, and paste), toilet paper, bar soap.

December 7th is Gingerbread House-Making Day. E-mail Leslie Barnes or sign-up in the Gathering Space. Reservations are needed by December 1. Cost is $13/house.    


This Month

December 15th is Movie Night at the church.  All ages are invited to watch "A Christmas Story" from 5:30-8:00 in the Gathering Space. Bring a munchie to share.  Join us for a commercial-free viewing of this quintessential Christmas movie. You’ll shoot your eye out! 

December 16th at 10:30am is the annual Presbyteran Women Brunch and Cookie Exchange.  Leila Davis will be hosting. Bring 2-3 dozen cookies to exchange.  Please RSVP to Leila at 314-994-0039 or Marie in the church office at or 314-432-8029.  


Advent Worship

2nd Sunday of Advent (12/8): 
Isaiah 11:1-10: "The wolf shall live with the lamb..."
In what places do the wolf and lamb lie together in peace? Where do we see that peace in our relationships, neighborhoods, or world? How do we live this peace in our lives and our world?
Musical Offering: Bel Canto, a women’s choral ensemble, will present special selections.


3rd Sunday of Advent (12/15): 
Isaiah 35:1-10: "The desert shall rejoice and blossom." 
How do we sing the Good News in our day and age? 
Musical Offering: Christmas Cantata, “A Celebration of Carols,” by Joseph M. Martin, will be presented by the Faith Des Peres Choir.


4th Sunday of Advent (12/22): 
Isaiah 7:10-16, Matthew 1:18-25: "The Lord himself will give you a sign..."  
What are the signs and promises of the Incarnation today? How do we resist God's presence breaking into our world as Joseph tried to do? How do we know that Jesus is with us?
Musical Offering: A Fifth Above, a woodwind quintet, will play familiar Christmas carols.


Christmas Eve Worship, 5:30 pm

Join us for a candlelight service with trumpeter, choir, and carols.  Child care will be available for children 4 and under. 


Illuminate: Shedding Light on the Holy in the Holiday

You know the routine: the Friday after Thanksgiving, the secular Christmas season officially begins.  It’s buy, buy, buy and go, go, go.  The things we do to prepare for Christmas can be endless and exhausting!

But it doesn’t have to be this way.  It is possible to find the Holy in the holiday.

Be sure to join us this Advent season as we prepare for the birth of the Light of the World.  Join us as we find the balance between the sacred and the secular, between the culture and Christ, and between Advent and Christmas. 

Find more information about the topics, dates, worship times, special music on our Advent and Christmas Worship page.