The Commonplace Blog


Join Us for Worship this Sunday at 10:30!

We each have our own ideas and visions of what happens to us after we die. When the opponents of Jesus tried to trick him by asking a convoluted question about what heaven is like after we die, Jesus replied by saying that God is not the God of the dead but of the living because we are always alive to God. But questions still remain: What happens to us after we die? Will we see our loved one? Will I get a new body, or do I have to keep my old one? Come, listen and learn on Sunday. See you in church!


The Butterfly Effect

The butterfly effect is a theory that states that a butterfly can flap its wings and set air molecules in motion that, in turn, will move other air molecules–which will then move additional air molecules–eventually becoming able to influence weather patterns on the other side of the planet. 

The butterfly effect. It’s a wonderful image for All Saints’ Sunday, because it’s a reminder that our actions and words shape other people and the world in which we live. And, it’s a reminder that we have all felt the brush of butterfly wings with our saints, who made a difference in our lives.

Last Sunday, worshippers were invited to write the names of their saints on butterflies that adorned the sanctuary. If you were not able to join us, take some time today to remember and honor your saint. Whose wings have brushed you and made a difference in your life?


Feeding the Flock

Last Sunday we collected TWO WAGONS full of food for Circle of Concern!! The kids were so happy to see food going into the wagon as they pulled it through church! What a great lesson to them about helping others in need! Food collection will occur on the first Sunday of every month, coinciding with communion Sunday. Current critical needs include: peanut butter, jelly, canned pasta, canned milk, canned fruit, canned meats (chili, canned stew, canned chicken, canned ham, etc.), canned fish, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce, toilet paper, bar soap. You may also donate at any time by leaving food items in the Gathering Space. Thank you for helping others in need!


Join Us at the Adult Discussion Group next Sunday, November 17th

Joe Marting, retired Pastor of Southminster Presbyterian Church, will lead the Adult Discussion Group on Sunday, November 17th.  Joe has a long-time interest in Missouri history, and in particular Missouri Civil War history. His topic on the 17th will be "Confessions of an Old Confederate."  Join us!


Poinsettia Sales

If you’d like to purchase a Christmas poinsettia to decorate the Sanctuary from December 8 until after the Christmas Eve service on December 24th, please sign up in the Gathering Space by Sunday, November 17th. 6.5” red, pink or white poinsettias may be given in honor of or in memory of loved ones. The cost per plant will be $10; make checks payable to Faith Des Peres and designate “Christmas poinsettias” in the subject line. If you haven’t been to worship and would like to order a plant, please email Marie.