The Commonplace Blog


What's New at FDP?

Welcome Ivy Jane! 
Ivy Jane McClure arrived two weeks early to Becky, Scott and big brother Jake on January 28th. Weighing in at 9lbs, 1oz, she and Becky are doing fine and the family sends their best to everyone at FDP.




Welcome, Cathy!
Cathy Luetkemeyer began working as the new bookkeeper on December 31.  She replaced Stephanie Ruzicka, who took a new job as a teacher's assistant in the Parkway School District.  Cathy has worked as a bookkeeper for many different businesses, including Mike Duffy's Bar and Grill.  Her resume rose to the top of the 31 received.  You will hear from Cathy soon when you receive your 2013 pledge statements in the mail.  When you're in the office on Tuesday mornings, please introduce yourself and welcome Cathy to Faith Des Peres. 


Communion Table Flowers
Registration for communion table flowers is now available in the Gathering Space or by emailing Marie. Please indicate how you would like the dedication in the bulletin to read. Marie will send an email a few days ahead of your scheduled date to remind you to bring flowers. Thank you for adorning the table!


Schnucks E-Scrip Cards benefit FDP!
Pick up your Schnucks E-Scrip Card from a Schnucks Customer Service counter, or there are a few in the Gathering Space.  Did you know that when you swipe your e-scrip card every time you shop at Schnucks, a percentage of your purchase goes directly to Faith Des Peres? You pay nothing – just activate the card and designate Faith Des Peres with code #164503349. What a GREAT way to earn FREE funds for FDP!


In the Community

February 4, March 11, April 1
All are invited to the Kirkwood Franciscan Sisters’ free Eco-Film Series!  The films are on Tuesday evenings and begin promptly at 7:00 PM. To attend you must RSVP to or by calling the Sisters’ offices at 314-965-3700.

2014 Kirkwood Franciscan Sisters’ Winter/Spring Eco-Film Series
February 4: “Biophilic Design”
March 11: “Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth”
April 1: “The New Green Giants”
*You can watch a trailer for each of these films at


Sunday Worship, 10:30 am

I hope you'll join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am.  Our attendance has been up overall the past 3 months as compared to last year, and on some Sundays it's been up by 20%.  More people in worship equates to more energy and more spiritual vitality, so thank you to everyone who is there on Sunday.  I appreciate your presence.  If you've been away for a while, we'd love to see you.  Please know that you are missed.  

This Sunday we'll look at Psalm 27, a beautiful psalm that expreses confidence in God's presence no matter what bleak stuff life throws at us.  This psalm doesn't sugarcoat the fact that there's bad news in the world, but it stakes its faith in the good news that God is present throughout it all.  If you're experiencing lows in life, this is a good Sunday to hear a message of hope.  But even if you're not, this is a good Sunday to hear, once again, the timeless message that God does not fail us.

Blessings to you all.  I hope to see you in church.  Annie


FDP News

Welcome, Cathy!
Cathy Luetkemeyer began working as the new bookkeeper on December 31.  She replaced Stephanie Ruzicka, who took a new job as a teacher's assistant in the Parkway School District.  Cathy has worked as a bookkeeper for many different businesses, including Mike Duffy's Bar and Grill.  Her resume rose to the top of the 31 received.  You will hear from Cathy soon when you receive your 2013 pledge statements in the mail.  When you're in the office on Tuesday mornings, please introduce yourself and welcome Cathy to Faith Des Peres. 

Communion Table Flowers
Registration for communion table flowers is now available in the Gathering Space. Please indicate how you would like the dedication in the bulletin to read. Marie will send an email a few days ahead of your scheduled date to remind you to bring flowers. Thank you for adorning the table!

Schnucks E-Scrip Cards benefit FDP!
Pick up your Schnucks E-Scrip Card from a Schnucks Customer Service counter, or there are a few in the Gathering Space.  Did you know that when you swipe your e-scrip card every time you shop at Schnucks, a percentage of your purchase goes directly to Faith Des Peres? You pay nothing – just activate the card and designate Faith Des Peres with code #164503349. What a GREAT way to earn FREE funds for FDP!


This Week & Upcoming

January 25, 8-10am
Food pack volunteer opportunity: Volunteers are needed to support Food Outreach to pack freshly-cooked nutritious meals. Friends and children who are middle-school age and up are welcome to sign up. (Let Sako O’Rourke know if you’ll be attending.) Food Outreach is located at 3117 Olive Street, 63103. We will meet at City Diner at the Fox (541 N. Grand Avenue, 63103) afterwards.

January 31, 7pm
The next TNT (20s and 30s something) dinner will be on Friday, January 31st at 7:00 pm at Lester’s. Childcare will be available at the church beginning at 6:30pm.

February 9, after worship: IMPORTANT gathering for all!
Please plan to stay after worship on Sunday, February 9th for the Shared Ministry Volunteer Fair. This will be a time for all of us to learn about what opportunities exist to become more involved in the church. Each of us is uniquely gifted by God to share our gifts, energy and passions with others to build the kingdom of God. Shared ministry helps us live out the affirmation that God calls all people to ministry. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, Feb. 9 and come prepared to volunteer for one of Faith Des Peres' ministries. If you have questions, contact a Shared Ministry Committee member: Barb Abbett,Terry BakerAnnie Epling and Randi Weber

February 9, 4pm
You are invited to Henry Epling’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor on February 9, 4:00 pm, here at Faith Des Peres.  A reception will follow in the Gathering Space.  Henry’s Eagle Scout project was to install a new sign at the Old Des Peres Church, repair the slave sign, and make a box to hold informational brochures.  He successfully completed the project in November.  We hope you can attend Henry’s Court of Honor.  ~Annie and Terry Epling  

February 16, 5:30-7:30pm
THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION: Training our Ministers
The Adult Discussion Group (ADG) will be sponsoring this very informative evening at Faith Des Peres on Sunday, February 16th from 5:30-7:30pm. "Training our Ministers in the Who? What? When? How? What, post seminary?" will be presented by Rev. Mary Gene Boteler*  and Jay Summerville, JD**. A meal will be provided (suggested donation $10) from 5:30-6:15pm, and the program will last from 6:15-7:30pm. In order to accomodate everyone, you must register on the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space or by contacting Marie in the church office via phone (314-432-8029) or email. All ages are encouraged to attend! 

* Rev. Mary Gene Boteler: pastor of 2nd Presbyterian Church; graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, currently serving on their Board of Trustees; served as delegate to the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches
** Jay Summerville, JD: recently retired attorney from the law firm of Armstrong Teasdale; Elder at 2nd Presbyterian Church; Member Permanent Judicial Commission, Synod of Mid-America, PC(USA); currently enrolled in Eden Seminary