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Sunday, November 4

Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday we will celebrate All Saints' Sunday.  This is the day we give thanks to God for our saints, the people in our lives who have nurtured and loved us, encouraged and guided us, and molded us into the people we are today.  This is always a special Sunday when we remember our saints and thank God for their faithfulness.

Speaking of faithfulness, we'll continue the sermon series "Counting Our Blessings" by counting as a blessing God's faithfulness.  God is faithful to us in so many ways that the blessings are too numerous to count.  But, we will do our best.  Don't forget to bring your spare change for the "blessing jars" that are gracing the sanctuary. At the end of the series we will donate this money to one of the many worthy organizations the church supports.

And last but certainly not least, we will celebrate communion this Sunday, which means there is no Sunday School for children or youth, and we will accept Matt and Helen Parsons as church members.  We have now been blessed to receive 12 new members this year.  God has been faithful to the church!

I hope to see you Sunday.

Many Blessings,

Pastor Annie

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