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Sunday, January 27

Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

First, if you are reading this before 7pm Friday night, don't forget game night tonight in the Gathering Space!  Bring food, drinks, munchies, a game and your competitive edge.  Or, just show up, grab a chair, and join in the games.  If you've never been, it's a great way to cure the winter doldrums.  Plus, it's fun! This event is for all ages.

On Sunday we're hearing one of my favorite scripture readings from Luke 4:14-21.  It's the story of Jesus' first sermon and let's just say it didn't go so well.  The congregation ran him out of town and off a cliff. Yikes!  What would get them so riled up?  Well, Jesus' vision for ministry is what got them so riled up.  In a sense, this scene is Jesus’ inaugural address.  Now, since we recently heard Obama’s inaugural address, either live or from snippets on the news, we know that inaugural addresses are important.  They lay out the President’s vision for the country. Likewise, Jesus lays out his vision for ministry which, it turns out, wasn't such good news to his listeners.  His words were challenging, to say the least.

I hope to see you on Sunday, and I hope you will come to hear Good News even if it is challenging.  Bring an open mind, bring a friend, and bring a discerning spirit.  I hope to see you in church.




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    999 An important section of each lady wardrobe are her footwear.

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