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Palm Sunday Worship, 10:30 am


“Palm Sunday,” Fleming Rutledge says, “has always been a crowd pleaser: the festivity of the procession, the stirring music, the repeated ‘Hosannas.’”  It’s a great day to come to church.  I know a lot of people think if you’re going to only come to church once or twice a year it should be on Christmas and Easter, but honestly, I think you should come on Palm Sunday.  In my opinion it is the most important Sunday of the year.

But why?  What makes it so important?  Well, in my opinion, Palm Sunday expresses the entire breadth and depth of Jesus’ mission and ministry.  Indeed, everything Jesus lived for and stood for and died for-and tells us to live for and stand for and die for- comes to a head on Palm Sunday.  On this Sunday, we get to the real heart of what it means to be a follower of Christ.

As we enter the most important week of the year for Christians, named “Holy Week”, I hope that you set aside time for this story. Pick up the Bible and read Luke 19:28-23:56. Set your busy schedules aside and plan to worship with us this Sunday and on Maundy Thursday (6:30 for dinner and 7:15 for worship). I’ve said it before but it’s worth saying again, your Easter experience will be much more meaningful if you spend time in worship and prayer learning about and reflecting on Jesus’ last week.

And if that isn’t enough to get you here on Sunday despite the weather forecast (don’t let the hype scare you away!), we’ll celebrate the baptism of Harrison Cook Benben and welcome St. Louis trombonist Bob Settle.  It will be a great service (we’re staying inside!) and a wonderful way to begin this holiest of weeks.

See you in church,

Pastor Annie

PS: Here is a prayer for you to pray as you begin Holy Week: 

God, as I enter into this new day, I ask that you keep me mindful of the profound nature of this Holy Week.  Help me to go beyond the joyful parade of the palms and to follow Jesus into the suffering of this world, mindful that he was obedient to you, even to the cross.  Amen.

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