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Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday, July 21, we'll continue our focus on the Lord's Prayer by looking at the phrase "and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."  This past week there's been so much turmoil in the news and much talk of justice denied and those wanting retribution, whether for the Boston bomber or in the George Zimmerman trial.  But there's been no talk of forgiveness.  Some may say it's too early to talk about forgiveness, but as Christians we are called to extend it . . .even when it's incredibly difficult to do so.  

Also this Sunday, we will say good-bye to Bill and Pat Malkemus, longtime members of Faith Des Peres.  Bill and Pat are moving to Egg Harbor, WI on a fulltime basis.  They have children and grandchildren who also live in that area.  Bill and Pat have been a big part of our church family since 1974.  Both have served as elders, giving a tremendous amount of time to mission work.  We will miss them very much.  I hope you will be here to say goodbye.

Speaking of mission work, we have a great opportunity on Sunday, August 11, to hear one of very own mission co-workers in Peru, Jed Koball.  Jed will be hear to preach, and I'm looking forward to hearing him.  

Jed began his service as a mission co-worker in January 2009, when he was appointed companionship facilitator for the Joining Hands (JH) network in Peru. 

Joining Hands is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that fights the root causes of hunger by sparking the formation of networks in developing countries. These networks lead the struggle against hunger at a local level while working with PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations to address global hunger issues.

And last but certainly not least, this Sunday the children will learn more about Peru and our mission work there in their trip around the world in summer Sunday School.

I hope to see all of you in church.  I have missed seeing you very much while I've been away.


Pastor Annie

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