
Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

Are you busy?  I know, I know, dumb question.  Of course I'm busy, I can hear some of you saying!  And I know that many of you are busy.  You're busy attending to work and family, busy at the church, and/or busy trying to serve your community or school or charity of choice.  Busy is the name of the game in today's culture.

But has your busy-ness driven you to worry and distraction?  This is a serious question that I want you to honestly answer.  Take a moment to answer it . . .

If you said "yes", you're not alone.  There's a woman in the Bible named Martha who was so busy that she was worried and distracted to the point that she was neglecting the things in life that were really important, like her family and God.  She'd let her distractions and worries get the best of her, and she was starting to lash out at those around her.

I think all of us, in our busy and frantic society, can learn something from Martha's story.  We can also hear in her story the Good News that our worth isn't measured by how much we do, but instead is measured by who we are: children of God who are loved by God.  

I hope you'll come on Sunday to hear this Good News and find relief from your busy week.  Don't forget this Sunday we worship at the Old Meeting House, just south of Clayton Road on Geyer Road.

Covenant Network: In July, the Session approved joining the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.  By joining the Covenant Network, the Session affirmed the Call to Covenant Community which states:

With the help of God’s grace, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians is called to strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ by furthering the inclusion of persons identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) that was signaled by the adoption of G-2.0104b; by supporting sessions and presbyteries as they apply these ordination standards; and by working for the unity of the church, engaging in conversations with those with whom we disagree, seeking understanding and reconciliation. In this crucial time in church and culture, the Covenant Network remains committed to serving the church, believing that Jesus Christ has already made us one and that we are better equipped to carry out our larger ministry and witness when we are together.

Being an inclusive church is not new for Faith Des Peres, but by joining the Covenant Network we are publicly affirming our commitment to inclusion and our belief that God calls all people to ordained offices regardless of sexual preference.  We are also affirming, as the Covenant Network does, our commitment to work for a church that is faithful, just and whole and is open to a variety of viewpoints.  Indeed, the latter is why the Covenant Network has appealed to the broad middle of the church, and no one should feel excluded from Faith Des Peres because of the Session's actions. We want to be inclusive of all people.  

Look for more information about the Covenant Network in the weeks to come.  And please, if you have any questions about the Session's decision, do not hesitate to contact Pastor Annie or a member of the session.

And speaking of mission: I hope you will join us August 11 to hear Rev. Jed Koball, our mission partner in Peru.  You can learn more about Jed and his mission work here.  We hope everyone will come out to support mission and learn from Jed!  It will be a great morning.


Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday, July 21, we'll continue our focus on the Lord's Prayer by looking at the phrase "and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."  This past week there's been so much turmoil in the news and much talk of justice denied and those wanting retribution, whether for the Boston bomber or in the George Zimmerman trial.  But there's been no talk of forgiveness.  Some may say it's too early to talk about forgiveness, but as Christians we are called to extend it . . .even when it's incredibly difficult to do so.  

Also this Sunday, we will say good-bye to Bill and Pat Malkemus, longtime members of Faith Des Peres.  Bill and Pat are moving to Egg Harbor, WI on a fulltime basis.  They have children and grandchildren who also live in that area.  Bill and Pat have been a big part of our church family since 1974.  Both have served as elders, giving a tremendous amount of time to mission work.  We will miss them very much.  I hope you will be here to say goodbye.

Speaking of mission work, we have a great opportunity on Sunday, August 11, to hear one of very own mission co-workers in Peru, Jed Koball.  Jed will be hear to preach, and I'm looking forward to hearing him.  

Jed began his service as a mission co-worker in January 2009, when he was appointed companionship facilitator for the Joining Hands (JH) network in Peru. 

Joining Hands is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that fights the root causes of hunger by sparking the formation of networks in developing countries. These networks lead the struggle against hunger at a local level while working with PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations to address global hunger issues.

And last but certainly not least, this Sunday the children will learn more about Peru and our mission work there in their trip around the world in summer Sunday School.

I hope to see all of you in church.  I have missed seeing you very much while I've been away.


Pastor Annie


Pentecost is Sunday-Wear RED!

Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday is Pentecost, one of the most festive Sundays of the church year.  For those of you who aren't familiar with Pentecost, you can find the story of the first Pentecost in the book of Acts.  On the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit arrived with a BANG and sent the disciples out into the world.  This is why so many people think of Pentecost as the birthday of the church.  

This Sunday, we will celebrate.  Wear red, the color of Pentecost!

This Sunday, you'll receive, complete and we'll dedicate our estimate of giving cards.  Your gifts make the church come alive!

This Sunday, we'll celebrate the baptism of Brooklyn Payne.  Be here to welcome her into the family of faith!

This Sunday, we'll celebrate with music by the woodwind quintet A Fifth Above.  Come and worship the Spirit who makes all things possible!

See you Sunday,

Pastor Annie 


Sunday, April 21

Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

It's still Easter in the church and we're still celebrating!  I hope you'll join us this Sunday to celebrate the baptism of Jennifer Newcomb, daughter of Stephanie and Dave Newcomb.  What a pleasure it is to have so many baptisms!

We'll continue our sermon series on "After Easter, Now What?"  I promise no pew changing this Sunday!

And, in honor of Earth Day, the Adult Discussion Group will explore how Faith Des Peres can join the Earth Care Congregation movement.  Revs. Carleton and Ellie Stock will lead the discussion.  Join us at 9am in the Adult Room.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you Sunday!


Pastor Annie


Sunday, April 14

Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

After Easter the disciples were confronted with the question, "Now what?"  Now what do we do? Now where do we go?  Now what do we believe?

I think those questions that plagued the first disciples still gnaw at us today.  What do I do?  Where do I go?  What do I believe?   In one way or another, all of us face these questions in our lives.  

So what do we do after Easter with the incredible news of the resurrection?  Well, one thing I can with certainty is that we do not go back to our old habits and old ways of living.  Easter calls us to move beyond ourselves and to stretch and grow.  In fact, this Sunday we'll talk about how we should do the exact opposite of what we usually do so that we can stretch and grow.  This is, of course, easier said than done.  But God gives us the strength and courage if we are willing to listen to God and trust God.

This Sunday, we are blessed to receive as new members Diane, Ben, Mark and Manning Asyre.  If you have not met this wonderful family, including Dad and husband Eliot, you are in for a treat.  I hope you'll be here to welcome all of them.


Pastor Annie