The Commonplace Blog


Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is the foundation of our relationship with God, and the best response we can make to God’s graciousness is to say, “Thank you.”  I invite you to join me in keeping a gratitude journal in the month of November, noting one thing each day for which you are grateful. A group of us will be keeping gratitude journals, and we’d love to have you join us. Thanks! Pastor Annie


Feeding the Flock

Faith Des Peres will start a monthly food collection called “Feeding the Flock” for Circle of Concern on Sunday, November 3rd. Food collection will occur on the first Sunday of every month, coinciding with communion Sunday, and the children of the church will participate by collecting food products in a wagon during the service. Prior to communion Sundays, we will make the congregation aware of Circle of Concern’s “critical needs.”  Current critical needs include: canned meats, canned fish, canned fruit, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce, cereal, toilet paper, and bar soap. We look forward to beginning this new tradition in helping others in need!!!


Nicaraguan Partnership Dinner - Sign-Up Now

On Monday, November 4th at LoRusso's Cucina, the Rev. Doug Orbaker will speak at the annual Nicaragua Community Partnership (NCP) Fund-Raising Dinner to keep 45 Nicaraguan high school students in school and hear how God is transforming lives in PG2 and in St. Louis.  Tickets are $50 per person. Sign up sheets are in the Gathering Space or call Marie in the church office.


Shared Ministry-A New Way Doing Things!

Shared Ministry is a new program at Faith Des Peres (FDP) that the Session is introducing this year.  Its intent is to help members pursue ministries that better match their interests and to increase involvement. Members working on the Shared Ministry Team include Barb Abbett (Chair), Annie Epling, Terry Baker, and Randi Weber. They're looking forward to the positive impact shared ministry will have on FDP’s commitment to service.


Coffee with the Pastor 

People interested in learning more about Faith Des Peres are invited to come for coffee with Pastor Annie on Sunday, November 10th at 9:15 am to get to know more about the church, our history and values and answer any questions you may have. This is an informal conversation we like to extend from time to time to people who have been attending and might want to know more about the church or simply have questions about the church. If this is something you’d like to attend, let Pastor Annie know at or the church office at 314-432-8029.