The Commonplace Blog


Join us this Sunday

We hope you can be here this Sunday for worship and Sunday School!

Kids, invite your friends to join us!  Sunday School for children is held every Sunday from 10:40-11:30, except for October 6, November 3 and December 1, when we celebrate communion and children attend worship for the entire service.  Tweens, grades 4-6, you will have a special class of your own this Sunday so please plan to be here!  Nursery care for children under kindergarten age is available 10:00-12:00 with a trained, professional caregiver.

The Adult Discussion Group does not meet on September 29.  Plan to join us in October when the ADG will feature two programs exploring “Why We Do What We Do in Worship” (October 6) and “The New PC-USA Hymnals.” (October 27). 


Mark your calendar for these special worship services in October

On October 6, we’ll celebrate World Communion Sunday.  Our focus that day is the story from Jeremiah that likens us to clay and God as a potter.  It talks about how God shapes us and molds us.  A real live potter (thanks, Eric Ludlow!) will throw a pot during the service.  We’ll see the story come alive before our very eyes!

On October 13, we’ll celebrate the baptism of Ellis Ludlow, son of Eric and Sarah.  I hope you'll join us for this special occasion!


Faith Des Peres Women’s Retreat 2013

Save the date!  The 2013 women’s retreat is scheduled for October 19, 2013.  By popular demand, the leaders this year will be Jan Stocking and Diza Velasco who led our 2012 retreat at Mercy Center.

This year we will be going to Rockhaven Ecozoic Center near House Springs, MO, where Jan and Diza are co-directors, and this year the retreat will be a one day event.  For those who prefer to stay overnight, arrangements can be made for the night of either the 17th or the 18th.

Stay tuned for more information on the October 19 annual women’s retreat.


It’s Buddy Pack Time and we need you!

Sign-ups are underway now to fill several teams of buddy pack volunteers for this school year.  For the past 2 years, Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church has been preparing bags of groceries; enough for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack for the weekend, which we deliver to students who are on subsidized breakfast and lunch programs through schools.  You may not know, but studies have shown that often those students have very little to eat on the weekends.

Click here or email Elizabeth Pribor, or Erica Abbett, to find out more about how you can help with this important ministry of our church.


Join us this Sunday!

During our worship this Sunday, the choir will present the anthem God Be in My Head by Victor C. Johnson.  The text comes from the Book of Hours (Cambridge, England, 1514).

God be in my head and in my understandingGod be in my eyes and in my lookingGod be in my mouth and in my speakingGod be in my heart and in my thinkingGod be at my end and at my departing.

Kids, invite your friends to join us in Sunday School -- held every Sunday from 10:40-11:30, except for October 6, November 3 and December 1, when we celebrate communion and children attend worship for the entire service.  Nursery care for children under kindergarten age is available 10:00-12:00 with a trained, professional caregiver.

In the Adult Discussion Group this Sunday, we will take a look at the lives of two saints of the Christian church, Julian of Norwich and Theresa of Avila.  Church member Barb Wright is leading this discussion.  Everyone is welcome to join the group, 9:00-10:15 AM, in the second floor Adult Meeting Room.