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Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

It was nice to see so many of you last Sunday at Rally Day.  It was great having Sunday School, the Adult Discussion Group, and the choir back in full swing.  I don't know about you, but for me Fall always signals the start of something new more than January 1 does.  And, as much as I love summer, I'm ready for the change in season and schedules.

This Sunday, our focus scripture is Luke 8: 26-39, a story about change and how it came too soon and too fast for some people, and they reacted in fear.  In the story, Jesus came and shook things up and changed peoples' lives for the better, but they didn't like it.  Odd as it may sound, we often prefer the devil we know to the freedom we do not.  

I encourage you to read the story before church.  When you do, take time to pray about this question: Think of the many ways in which people are "chained".  What specific constraint is in your own life for which you might pray that the Holy Spirit show you a path toward freedom?

I hope to see you in church!

Don't forget, there is Sunday School for grades K-3 and the "tweens" (grades 4-6) this Sunday.

There is NO Adult Discussion Group this Sunday.  They'll resume September 22.



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