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Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday our focus scripture reading is Luke 6:39-49, Jesus' famous parable about removing the log from our own eye before trying to remove the speck from our neighbor's eye.  The image is laughably hyperbolic.  How could someone not notice the log in his or her eye but be so audacious as to point out the minor flaw in someone else?  And yet, we all know someone like the guy in the cartoon pictured above.

The story concludes Jesus' Sermon on the Plain.  The Sermon on the Plain contains a series of blessings and woes, calls us to love our enemies, tells us not to judge others, and to forgive and to show mercy as God has shown mercy to us.  Jesus then uses the log/speck image to help us see how far we are from the faithful life God intends.  

In preparation for Sunday, here are a couple of questions to consider:

1.  What "log" impedes you from being the person you want to be?

2.  What "logjam" in your heart, mind, or actions would you like to whittle down, freeing you to be more Christlike?

I hope to see you in church!

And, mark your calendars for two upcoming special services:

On October 6, we'll celebrate World Communion Sunday.  Our focus that day is the story from Jeremiah that likens us to clay and God as a potter.  It talks about how God shapes us and molds us.  A real live potter (thanks, Eric Ludlow!) will throw a pot during the service.  We'll see the story come alive before our very eyes!

On October 13, we'll celebrate the baptism of Ellis Ludlow, son of Eric and Sarah.  I hope you'll join us for this special occasion!

And, on October 27, we'll dedicate our new hymnals with a special hymn festival Sunday.

There's a lot going on!

I pray that your weekend is filled with blessings, I hope to see you in church, and I leave you with this prayer to greet you in the morning:

Dear God, this morning the day is bright with promise.  As the sun brings clarity to the contours of my room and the world outside, so shine your light upon the contours of my life and habits.  Grant clarity so that I may pay attention to the ways I interact with others.  Help me to show love and mercy to all according to the measure of their need.  Clear my eyes so that I may see you in unexpected ways today.  Then, in your mercy, grant me grace as I learn to love others as you love me.  In Christ's name, I pray.  Amen.

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    Football is genuinely one of the greatest sports in America. It has a big following.

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