The Commonplace Blog


Join us for worship this Sunday

Calling all sopranos and altos of the congregation!  You are invited to provide the special music on August 18.  Our soprano and alto section leaders and choir members will assist.  Just come at 10:00 ready to sing the familiar hymn, “Fairest Lord Jesus.”


Faith Des Peres Leadership Planning Day

On Saturday, August 24, from 8:45-11:00, the Session is hosting a Leadership Planning Day for all committees and groups of the church.  The purpose of the meeting is to get an update on the Financial Sustainability Plan the Session approved for the next 5 years, and to hear about a Shared Ministry plan the Session adopted in July.  Committees / teams / groups will have an opportunity to reflect on these items and plan for their year.  Anyone is invited to attend the Leadership Planning Day regardless of whether you are on a committee or not.  This is a good opportunity for members to hear about the Session’s work last year and this year.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call, e-mail or talk with Pastor Annie.


Presbyterian Women meet on Wednesday, August 28

PW Bible Study and Fellowship begins on August 28th.  All women of the church are welcome to join us at 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Space.  This year’s study is “An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy.”  Books are in.  Let Joanna Gerst ( know if you would like to join the study.



The choir will resume rehearsing for our role as leaders of worship through music on August 28. The choir will explore a wide variety of music this year - some gospel songs, some pieces by classical composers such as Mozart and Handel, settings of beloved hymn texts such as “How Firm a Foundation,” settings of scriptural texts such as “The Lord Is My Light” from the psalms, and lots more.  Plans for Advent and Lenten cantatas are also in the making.  The choir would gladly welcome anyone who would like to join us.  Just come to rehearsal on August 28 or any Wednesday following if you would like to participate.


Rally Day is September 8

Everything kicks into high gear on Sunday, September 8 with Sunday School for children and youth at 10:45 am and the Adult Discussion Group for adults at 9:00 am.  Afterwards there will be a picnic lunch and games.  There is fun for everyone!

Main dish, beverages and ice cream will be provided.  Your donation of a side dish, salad, or chips would be appreciated.  Let us know if you plan to attend the lunch and -- if you can -- lend a hand.  Volunteers are needed to help set-up or clean-up or help with games.