The Commonplace Blog


Covenant Network

In July, the Session approved joining the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.  By joining the Covenant Network, the Session affirmed the Call to Covenant Community which states:

With the help of God’s grace, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians is called to strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ by furthering the inclusion of persons identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) that was signaled by the adoption of G-2.0104b; by supporting sessions and presbyteries as they apply these ordination standards; and by working for the unity of the church, engaging in conversations with those with whom we disagree, seeking understanding and reconciliation. In this crucial time in church and culture, the Covenant Network remains committed to serving the church, believing that Jesus Christ has already made us one and that we are better equipped to carry out our larger ministry and witness when we are together.

Being an inclusive church is not new for Faith Des Peres, but by joining the Covenant Network we are publicly affirming our commitment to inclusion and our belief that God calls all people to ordained offices regardless of sexual preference.  We are also affirming, as the Covenant Network does, our commitment to work for a church that is faithful, just and whole and is open to a variety of viewpoints.  Indeed, the latter is why the Covenant Network has appealed to the broad middle of the church, and no one should feel excluded from Faith Des Peres because of the Session's actions.  We want to be inclusive of all people.  

Look for more information about the Covenant Network in the weeks to come.  And please, if you have any questions about the Session's decision, do not hesitate to contact Pastor Annie or a member of the session.


Worship this Sunday at Faith Des Peres 

We will have the opportunity to hear one of our mission co-workers in Peru, Jed Koball, and the choir will be with us with the gospel-style anthem, Go Out and Tell.  Jed is a facilitator for the Joining Hands (JH) network in Peru.  JH is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that fights the root causes of hunger by sparking the formation of networks in developing countries.  These networks lead the struggle against hunger at a local level while working with PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations to address global hunger.  Please plan to be here for this special service.


Faith Des Peres Leadership Planning Day

On Saturday, August 24, from 8:45-11:00, the Session is hosting a Leadership Planning Day for all committees and groups of the church.  The purpose of the meeting is to get an update on the Financial Sustainability Plan the Session approved for the next 5 years, and to hear about a Shared Ministry plan the Session adopted in July.  Committees / teams / groups will have an opportunity to reflect on these items and plan for their year.  Anyone is invited to attend the Leadership Planning Day regardless of whether you are on a committee or not.  This is a good opportunity for members to hear about the Session’s work last year and this year.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call, e-mail or talk with Pastor Annie.


Covenant Network

In July, the Session approved joining the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.  By joining the Covenant Network, the Session affirmed the Call to Covenant Community which states:

With the help of God’s grace, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians is called to strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ by furthering the inclusion of persons identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) that was signaled by the adoption of G-2.0104b; by supporting sessions and presbyteries as they apply these ordination standards; and by working for the unity of the church, engaging in conversations with those with whom we disagree, seeking understanding and reconciliation. In this crucial time in church and culture, the Covenant Network remains committed to serving the church, believing that Jesus Christ has already made us one and that we are better equipped to carry out our larger ministry and witness when we are together.

Being an inclusive church is not new for Faith Des Peres, but by joining the Covenant Network we are publicly affirming our commitment to inclusion and our belief that God calls all people to ordained offices regardless of sexual preference.  We are also affirming, as the Covenant Network does, our commitment to work for a church that is faithful, just and whole and is open to a variety of viewpoints.  Indeed, the latter is why the Covenant Network has appealed to the broad middle of the church, and no one should feel excluded from Faith Des Peres because of the Session's actions.  We want to be inclusive of all people.  

Look for more information about the Covenant Network in the weeks to come.  And please, if you have any questions about the Session's decision, do not hesitate to contact Pastor Annie or a member of the session.


Presbyterian Women meet on Wednesday, August 28

PW Bible Study and Fellowship begins on August 28th.  All women of the church are welcome to join us at 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Space.  This year’s study is “An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy.”  Books are in.  Let Joanna Gerst ( know if you would like to join the study.