The Commonplace Blog


Worship this Sunday will be at our old stone church

In keeping with tradition, our worship on the first Sunday in August will be held at the Old Meeting House on Geyer Road.  The service will be casual and family-friendly.  We will sing some of the congregation’s favorite hymns as reported in the survey taken last year.  Invite friends and family to worship with us.

The Old Meeting House is about 1 mile south of Clayton Road.  The historic building was built in 1834!  Parking is available along side streets near the church.  Plenty of cool AC but no bathrooms in the one-room church so plan ahead.  No nursery care on this Sunday.


We’ll have a special opportunity on August 11

One of our very own mission co-workers in Peru, Jed Koball, will preach at Faith Des Peres on Sunday, August 11.  We will have the opportunity to learn about the work that the Joining Hands (JH) network is doing in Peru.  JH is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that fights the root causes of hunger by sparking the formation of networks in developing countries.  These networks lead the struggle against hunger at a local level while working with PC(USA) presbyteries and congregations to address global hunger issues.

Jed Koball began his service as a mission co-worker in January 2009, when he was appointed companionship facilitator for the JH network in Peru.  Mark your calendar and plan to be here for this special opportunity to hear Jed and learn more about the Joining Hands network.  You can learn more about Jed here.


Furniture moving on July 31

Volunteers are needed at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 31 to help move furniture back into the Gathering Space and classrooms.  If you can help, please email Suzanne in the church office at  Thank you.


Faith Des Peres Leadership Planning Day

On Saturday, August 24, from 8:45-11:00, the Session is hosting a Leadership Planning Day for all committees and groups of the church.  The purpose of the meeting is to get an update on the Financial Sustainability Plan the Session approved for the next 5 years, and to hear about a Shared Ministry plan the Session adopted in July.  Committees / teams /groups will have an opportunity to reflect on these items and plan for their year.

Anyone is invited to attend the Leadership Planning Day regardless of whether you are on a committee or not.  This is a good opportunity for members to hear about the Session’s work last year and this year.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call, e-mail or talk with Pastor Annie.  


Music in Worship

August 11 - Jed Koball, a missionary from Peru, will preach.  The choir will sing the anthem Go Out and Tell.  In this gospel style piece, believers are urged to share their faith in Christ with the world.

August 18 - Calling all sopranos and altos of the congregation!  You are invited to provide the special music today.  Our soprano and alto section leaders and choir members will assist.  Just come at 10:00 ready to sing a familiar hymn.

August 25 - Section leader Rachel Neuner will provide a solo.