The Commonplace Blog


Saying good-bye to Bill and Pat

This past Sunday we bid a fond farewell to longtime Faith Des Peres members Bill and Pat Malkemus.  Bill and Pat will be living full-time in their Wisconsin home, at the address which is listed in your church directory.


Worship this Sunday

Pastor Annie is back in the office this week.  This Sunday, July 21 she will continue the sermon series on The Lord’s Prayer, and we will celebrate communion during our worship.

Calling all tenors and basses of the congregation!  You are invited to provide the special music for this service.  Our tenor and bass section leaders and choir members will assist.  Just come at 10:00 ready to sing a familiar hymn.  (Sopranos and altos, you’ll get your turn in August). 


Summer Sunday School continues this week

“Around the World” adventures will continue in Summer Sunday School for Kindergarten through 5th grade on July 21 and 28.  Kids, invite friends and join us for a fun morning.


Work on the building continues and we need you

Our August 1 deadline is rapidly approaching.  Volunteers are needed to help with painting and other “home improvements” at the church.  Work at a time of your choosing – day or evening.  We are working days and evenings, including Saturday morning, July 20 from 8-11 a.m.  Whatever amount of time you are able to give would be greatly appreciated.  Please email the church office at to let us know you can help.

A BIG thank you to everyone who has helped already!  We appreciate your time and service.


Join us for worship and Sunday School

This Sunday we welcome the Reverend Julie Allen Berger as our guest preacher while Pastor Annie is on vacation.  Rev. Berger is the Chaplain for Palliative Care and Oncology Services at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.  She was ordained as a teaching elder in the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy in 1981, and has served as an associate pastor, pastoral counselor and healthcare chaplain within the St. Louis area.

We will welcome back Laura Rakestraw, who will share her keyboard talents while Gay is also on vacation; and section leader Danny Mortimer will present the solo, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” in an arrangement by Mark Hayes.

And “Around the World” adventures will continue in Summer Sunday School for Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Kids, join us for a fun morning together.